AJK Public Service Commission AJKPSC

Azad Jammu & Kashmir Public Service Commission was established in 1950 to organize the competitive exams in AJK for filling of seats in the state of AJK. These competitive exams are held for the seats of BPS 16 and above of the government of AJK. Written test, interviews and psychological tests are taken by AJKPSC during the competitive exams. Competitive exams are held almost every month to fill vacant seats. A candidate having domicile of AJK along with bachelor degree can participate in the competitive exams under AJKPSC. After the competitive exams, AJKPSC selects the most talented persons for the grade 16 and above.
The procedure of competitive exams starts with the demand of application from AJKPSC for the vacant seat of AJK Govt. of post 16 and above. The interested and eligible candidates submit application forms along with their documents while the commission gives roll numbers and registration numbers to the eligible candidates. Few days before the start of written papers, AJKPSC announces the date sheet which provides all the important inform about the papers to the students including examination schedule, venue, time table and important instructions.
Both model papers and past papers are very important for the candidates of AJKPSC. Model papers are issued by AJKPSC when the commission changes the paper pattern and examination syllabus. These model papers are prepared according to the latest paper pattern and examination syllabus of the students while model papers can be downloaded from the official site of the AJKPSC. Past papers are important as they inform the students about important questions asked in the exams. These past papers are available from the market.
AJKPSC announces the results of the competitive exam written papers few days after the exams. Results are uploaded at the official site of the AJKPSC while successful candidates are given separate invitation letter for the interviews and psychological tests. After passing all the tests, the candidates are selected for the required post.